Purchase The Electro Equiscope

The Equiscope is a tool, meant to be combined with practices that heal and work with the body. This is no harm medicine, drug free, non-invasive and accelerated healing. Developed to prevent and take care of clients / patients (people / pets) on the road of recuperation by allowing the body to reeducate how to heal itself by itself. The instrument can be shipped to you and the training can start online at your convenience. You and or your staff can be trained in as little as two to three days.

Everything you need to know from unboxing your Electro Equiscope, knowing the tools, building the skills and practicing the proprietor protocols from Thorp Institute of Integrated Medicine. Schedule a private or group training here in Hawai’i or at your own location.

Personalized Private / Group Training

Peak Performance

Prepare the head space and large muscle groups for a game, race, tournament, event, etc. Maintain healthy electrical charges in the body and mind for optimal operating being. Works for competitive animals as well. Reach out to inquire how the Electro Equiscope can benefit you or your fur pals.

Plan to Repair & Recover

Body parts can store trauma or encounter trauma independently. Working to and through with the Electro Equiscope stimulates the exact healing to the damaged cell for accelerated recovery and restoration.

Systemic Detox

Utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) we can subtly move and restore the body’s ability to heal and hold energy in acupoints. Accessing organs for immunity boost, clarification of toxins, chemicals and dirty electricity. The Electro Equiscope is ready for any individual to accept an improved harmony from within.

Relaxation and Meditation

Us humans can experience many emotions, which many times can block us from living our best life. The Electro Equiscope is a valid tool to help reconstruct pathways for mood enhancement, mental clarity, emotional balance and better sleep.

Facials and Skin Tightening

The Electro Equiscope restores the health of the cell, improving texture at the surface. This is great news aesthetically for women and men who are looking for skin rejuvenation and want less wrinkles and or cellulite without the invasive procedures on the market.